I created the tool as a Windows app.

Easy-to-use photo tools

Introducing PhotoTools Portable and PhotoTools Web for handling photos.

PhotoTools Portable version 0.9

I created the tools(Windows apps) that I personally find easy to use when organizing and reusing photos taken with a digital camera or smartphone.
By selecting tool name, you can check how to use tool.

Tool nameDescription
MultiPhotoResizeResize multi photos
PhotoCropCrop photo or video
PhotoMarginAdd margin around photo
PhotoPerspectivePerspective warp photo
PhotoRenameRename multi photos to the specified name and date and time
PhotoResizeResize photo or video to fit the specified size
PhotoRotateRotate photo
PhotoWatermarkAdd watermark text to photo or video
VideoCutCut out video at a specified time
VideoFramesSpecify the FPS value from the video and save the frame images with sequential file names

  • Environment: Windows
  • You can display the menu and launch other tools from the P icon in the top left of each tool.
  • Tools can be used in conjunction by passing image via the clipboard.→ Clipboard cooperation
  • By downloading and deploying FFmpeg according to the instructions in the FFmpeg install, some tools can be made video compatible.

PhotoTools Web

Some tools were created as web pages. Select the tool name to open the tool page and use it.

Tool nameDescription
Image difference visualizationCheck the differences between two images

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